
I feel that I am not a very good writer. This of course has to do with the fact that I generally haven't practiced in well … ever. Not that my grammar or the structure in which I arrange essays is abhorrent, it's just that like many science/tech minded students out there, I've been under the illusion that writing is for right-brained English majors and not left-brained Engineers.

However, upon beginning my programming career I've discovered that most, if not all, good programmers tend to keep up-to-date blogs and that I might as well join the party and keep one myself. Most of my current blogging efforts will be spent compiling solutions to the (in)famous Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, so there probably won't be too many enlightening posts on other topics for a bit.

Also, In case you're interested, this blog is generated by Jekyll, hosted at Github Pages and is built using good 'ol Emacs and Org-Mode.